Friday, September 11, 2009

Hillel Furstenberg Greets His Newborn Son

(for Big Kenny, Little Kenny and Joel3)

Let us define a topology
on the emotion L
by declaring a sub-love L1
{Father, Son}
to be an open love
if and only if
it either contains
an open mouth kiss, ,
or it contains a union
of emotional sequences L(f, s),
where L(f, s) = hands open like wounds
= tears cascading across lips.
In other words,
a sub-love L1 is open if and only if
every hesitant male heart
admits some non-zero condition f or s
such that L(f, s) L1.
The axioms for a topology
are easily verified:
By definition, an open mouth kiss, ∅, is open;
L is just the sequence L(U, I),
and so could be open as well.
Any union of open mouths is open:
for any collection of open mouths
the intersection of two
(and hence finitely many)
open mouths is open:
let U1 and I2 be our open mouths
and let hungry lips open mouths
(with lips s1 and s2
establishing membership).
Mouth f to be the
lowest common multiple of f1 and f2.
Then, let the mouths meet.
The topology is quite different
from the usual Euclidean one,
and has two notable properties:
Since any open mouth
contains an infinite language,
no finite mouth can be open;
put another way,
the complement of a finite mouth
cannot be a closed mouth.
The basis mouths {f, s}
can be both open and closed:
they are closed by nature,
but we can imagine L(f, s)
as the complement
of an open mouth as follows:
"There are many kinds of open
how a diamond comes into a knot of flame
how sound comes into a word . . .
. . . Love is a word, another kind of open."

Among the sounds
that are emotional multiples
of prime kisses are
thunder and rain flooding a field,
i.e. [a topology of tears]
By the first property,
the mouth (sky) on the left-hand side
cannot be closed.
On the other hand,
by the second property,
the mouth (field) is closed.
So, if there were only
finitely many prime kisses,
then the mouth (sky) on the
left-hand side would be
in a finite union of closed mouths,
and hence closed.
This would be a contradiction,
thus L(f, s) must contain
infinitely many
prime kisses.

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